Truck Accident Lawyer South Carolina

Navigating the aftermath of a truck accident in South Carolina can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. However, you don’t have to face this challenging time alone. At E. Lindsay Blanks PA, we understand the devastation that truck accidents can cause and are here to provide you with the dedicated legal representation you need. Our skilled truck accident lawyer is committed to advocating for the rights of accident victims and helping them obtain the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses. Our compassionate team is ready to guide you through the complexities of the legal process and fight tirelessly on your behalf. Contact us today at 843-863-1800 to schedule a free consultation with a trusted truck accident lawyer and take the first step toward securing the justice and compensation you deserve.

Essential Evidence to Strengthen Your Truck Accident Claim in South Carolina

When you’re involved in a truck accident in South Carolina, gathering the right evidence is crucial to building a strong case and securing the compensation you deserve. To help you navigate the claims process effectively, here are some important types of evidence to collect:

Police Report

Obtain a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the truck accident. This document contains vital information, including the date, time, and location of the accident, as well as statements from witnesses and the officer’s assessment of fault. The police report serves as a critical piece of evidence in determining liability.

Eyewitness Accounts

Collect statements from any witnesses who observed the truck accident. Eyewitness testimony can provide valuable insight into what happened and who was at fault. Be sure to gather contact information from witnesses and ask them to provide written or recorded statements detailing their observations.

Photographs and Video Footage

Document the accident scene thoroughly by taking photographs and videos. Capture images of the vehicles involved, any property damage, road conditions, skid marks, and traffic signs. If possible, obtain video footage from nearby surveillance cameras or dashcams that may have captured the accident.

Truck Maintenance Records

Request maintenance and inspection records for the truck involved in the accident. These records can help establish whether the truck was properly maintained and in compliance with federal regulations. Look for evidence of any mechanical issues or violations that may have contributed to the accident.

Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Data

Commercial trucks are equipped with electronic logging devices (ELDs) that track driver activity, including hours of service and vehicle speed. Request ELD data from the trucking company to determine whether the driver was in compliance with federal regulations at the time of the accident.

Driver’s Logbook

Obtain the driver’s logbook, which records the driver’s hours of service and rest breaks. Review the logbook for any discrepancies or violations of federal hours-of-service regulations, which may indicate driver fatigue or negligence.

Trucking Company Records

Request records from the trucking company, including driver employment history, training records, and safety policies. Look for evidence of past violations, accidents, or disciplinary actions that may demonstrate a pattern of negligence or disregard for safety protocols.

Medical Records

Keep detailed records of any injuries sustained in the truck accident, as well as medical treatments received and expenses incurred. Medical records serve as crucial evidence of the extent of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life.

Key Considerations When Pursuing a Claim

When you’re involved in a truck accident in South Carolina, the aftermath can be overwhelming. From dealing with injuries to navigating the legal process, there are numerous factors to consider when filing a truck accident claim. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind:


Determining liability is crucial in any truck accident claim. Consider factors such as driver negligence, trucking company negligence, vehicle maintenance issues, and potential third-party liability. Gathering evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, and trucking company records, can help establish liability and strengthen your claim.

Insurance Coverage

Understand the insurance coverage available to you and the at-fault party. Commercial trucking companies typically carry substantial insurance policies to cover accidents involving their vehicles. However, navigating insurance claims can be complex, so it’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Statute of Limitations

In South Carolina, there is a statute of limitations that dictates the timeframe in which you can file a personal injury claim after a truck accident. It’s crucial to be aware of these deadlines and take prompt action to protect your rights. Failure to file within the statute of limitations could result in forfeiting your right to seek compensation.

Comparative Negligence

South Carolina follows a modified comparative negligence system, which means that your compensation may be reduced if you are found partially at fault for the accident. Understanding how comparative negligence laws apply to your case is important when evaluating your potential recovery.

Injuries and Damages

Assess the extent of your injuries and damages resulting from the truck accident. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and any other losses you’ve incurred. Keeping detailed records of your injuries and expenses will help ensure you receive fair compensation for your damages.

Legal Representation

Consider seeking guidance from an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in truck accident claims. An attorney can provide invaluable assistance in navigating the complexities of the legal process, negotiating with insurance companies, and advocating for your rights. With their knowledge and expertise, they can help you pursue maximum compensation for your injuries and damages.

Settlement vs. Litigation

Determine whether to pursue a settlement with the insurance company or take your case to trial. While many truck accident claims are resolved through settlements, litigation may be necessary in cases where a fair settlement cannot be reached. Your attorney can advise you on the best course of action based on the specifics of your case.

Navigating a truck accident claim can be challenging, but with careful consideration of these factors and the guidance of an experienced attorney, you can protect your rights and seek fair compensation for your injuries and damages. 

Trust Your Case to a Dedicated Truck Accident Attorney

When it comes to truck accident claims in South Carolina, having a knowledgeable and experienced legal team on your side is essential. At E. Lindsay Blanks PA, we understand the complexities of truck accident cases and are committed to providing you with the skilled representation you need. Our team will work tirelessly to investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong legal strategy aimed at securing the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. Don’t let the aftermath of a truck accident overwhelm you – contact us today at 843-863-1800 to schedule a free consultation with a trusted truck accident attorney. Let us help you navigate the legal process and fight for the justice you deserve.